Sitemap - 2021 - The Branded and Gilded Life

Nike had CRM back in 1966

There's an emoji for that

Can money be a vaccine?

Walk through your data

Art is the piggy bank of the super rich

Remote controls - the adblockers of the 50s

Are OTPs on their way out?

Airbags for two wheelers

YouTube and Mr. Beast

Why are podcasts growing so fast?

You'll never guess where Windows 95 still runs

India's MJunction is eBay for B2B

The virus in the mirror

Do you dream of climbing Mount Everest?

The Kodak moment of World War 2

The Indian doughnut

Baby Boomers are the coolest

The idea tree that keeps growing

The song that launched a million purple saris

Air-conditioning without electricity

Nipping fake news in the bud

Quieter than a Rolls Royce

Do you make decisions easily?

The Fightback - Part 2

The Fightback - Part 1

Is fame on your bucket list?

Snapchat - oldies just don't 'get it'!

Do you have 'good news'?

Milk from mushrooms

Crime time conversations

The Secret Sauce obsession

Mad Max Fury Road - the template for future car design?

The mango leaf toothbrush

The data disconnect. Transforming sales data.

The Data Disconnect. Solvable?

Can hearing aid embarrassment be cured?

How do you compete with Tinder?

A billionaire chats with a YouTube creator

Attention is a weapon

You can't live on luck alone

Some people never forget

What does 'discovering yourself' mean?

A lineup of mentors

Halt. Who goes there?

How would you define software?

The stickiness of nicknames

Delete without reading

Your future is a bank account

WhatsApp is the history of our lives

The EPIC battle at the App Store

What links knowledge, wisdom and insight?

Is your website a Porsche? Or a Model T?