Sitemap - 2020 - The Branded and Gilded Life

The early social media influencers

The mystery of IKEA's bestselling poster

How can a company making doorbells be worth a billion?

The remote car that could only turn left

How did Instagram grow beyond picture sharing?

The biggest advertiser in the US spent $6.9 billion last year

The Game of Salaries

The supermarket is over 100 years old

If an idea is a seed, execution is the tree

Can your money drive itself?

Can you program Diwali?

How do you pronounce your name?

What if you believed a bot was human?

Easy is just out of reach

The Comfort Zone is a trap

What do copywriters and software developers have in common?

Why isn't failure given its due?

The Ghost business model

Actions teach you more than opinions ever will

Uncertainty is the new certainty

Why read?

Everything is packaging

This 'DJ' is trying to break up the party!

What's your definition of essential?

Gossip is marketing umami

Have you outgrown college yet?

Do you like being overtaken?

India's engine for women entrepreneurs

The Indian intelligence behind UBER's AI

Something’s Tookitaki about this!

What does a social network for doctors look like?

Glance – the camel in the apps marketplace

Serving billions of images every day

The library that brought great returns

“The high from raising $100 million lasted 10 minutes”

Can you get away with zero marketing?

Vokal is not a spelling mistake

A Startup for 58% of India

A postman connecting the past to the future

What enterprise salespeople never talk about

The boys who are obsessed with batteries

Did you flinch?